Artificial Intelligence: the next frontier of sales

There is a concept that we propose again and again on this blog because we believe companies in the Utility world should always keep it in mind: these days, and even more so since the beginning of the health emergency linked to COVID 19, it is no longer acceptable to lose sight of the market developments, and its sudden changes are not a plausible excuse. We have seen, for example, how the digitization of sales and the silent transition to cloud software are two cornerstones of progress in today’s market. Now we feel it is the right time to unearth another trend not to be missed: artificial intelligence applied to the world of sales.

Artificial Intelligence and sales: a natural development

Come to think of it, the fact that artificial intelligence is making its way into the world of sales makes a lot of sense: we have seen how the wave of digitization – already underway and then further developed following the various pandemic lockdowns – has pushed every company, even those who until then had ignored the trend, to make the leap towards a more structured online presence. This has turned into the need for a renovated application map to cover the new needs of both sellers and end customers. We can consider this transition to digital as the first innovative phase, in which companies have grounded new systems and sketched out future strategies, planting them in very fertile ground and watching them blossom. 

In the second wave of innovation, which is taking place now, we are instead witnessing a phase of research and refinement: new methods are being sought to make the new sales systems even more effective, efficient, and profitable

Of course, at this stage attention is going on artificial intelligence: it is powerful, efficient, it can manage and analyse large amounts of data, and guide the optimization of results thanks to the use of complex algorithms. Not only that: artificial intelligence also involves cost-cutting and greater freedom for company resources when it comes to sales and assistance while maintaining the human aspect of contact with the customer.

Other areas, such as marketing, immediately welcomed the opportunities offered by the implementation of AI technologies, pushing their use to enhance customer care, optimize branded communication channels and offer advanced interaction and promotion experiences. The sales sector has lagged a little behind in this process, but today it is finally pushing into this new technological region and with great results.

How AI techniques can help boost sales for utilities

We have always been great supporters of technological innovation in the field of sales, particularly in regard to the utility world. It is no coincidence that OnBoarding Funnel is a tool whose purpose is to communicate with corporate CRMs to enhance and innovate remote sales processes, making them fluid, pleasant and unforgettable. In this context, we also strongly believe that sale is a bilateral process, which must satisfy both the final customer and the seller: a transaction is a dialogue, creates a relationship and must be direct and understandable for everyone.

Precisely for these reasons, we think the introduction of artificial intelligence in corporate sales systems is a must: we are convinced that AI can be the ideal solution to help create a process that is positive for all the counterparties involved, at the same time boosting sales opportunities and closures.

Here are, in our opinion, the advantages that every company in the utility world should take into consideration today when evaluating the inclusion of AI systems in their business processes:

  • increase in sales: artificial intelligence uses complex algorithms that can be customized on business needs, analysing large amounts of data to obtain purchase patterns applicable to internal processes to increase their success;
  • faster customer support: according to Salesforce reports, more than half of the companies offering services will add chatbots to their support systems during the next year and a half, making their customer service more efficient and on time;
  • internal resource optimization: in addition to improving the efficiency of customer assistance, chatbots and other AI-related options will help companies freeing up resources. All the figures of the sales team, for example, will finally be free from all those preventive and corollary operations of first contact with the customer to finally dedicate themselves to their main job: selling services;
  • precision of intent and improvement of up- and cross-selling: if algorithms can be used to create new sales patterns to be applied to processes remotely, on the other hand, they can also help sellers to offer a service to customers who show they are interested without doubts;
  • better customer experience: ultimately, a greater knowledge of the habits and needs of the end customer is a great way to contact only the customers who are actually interested in the service;
  • cost optimization: with the use of chatbots and greater precision in forecasting purchase intent, all sales systems can be optimized, saving time and money across the sales team’s entire line of action.

AI: from remote sales to the future of sales

AI and sales seem to be a partnership destined to last and bear great results: a powerful second revolution that will lead companies from remote sales to the future of sales. Thanks to the new OnBoarding Funnel developments in this direction and the enhancement of our internal data analysis system, we will soon make a new incredible user experience available to you. 

We are ready, what about you?

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