Software development
Tailor-made cloud software
We create custom Customer Centricity software to meet the needs of businesses of all types and sizes.
Dedicated native cloud development
We develop cloud-native software using advanced cloud technologies to build highly scalable and resilient applications that enable greater agility in application development and deployment. Thanks to its modular architecture, dedicated cloud-native development offers greater flexibility and the ability to scale resources dynamically, based on business needs. Thus, we help companies to remain competitive in the current technological landscape and to offer high-quality user experiences.
Microservices architecture design
We design microservices architectures to build and manage complex distributed systems, facilitating the division of large monolithic applications into smaller, yet highly integrated services that can be developed, deployed, and scaled independently of each other. Furthermore, dividing the application into small services makes it easier and faster to integrate new features and continuously deploy changes, and therefore to create and update more agile and scalable applications.
Container architectures with AWS
Container architectures with AWS offer a modern approach to delivering applications and services. Containers allow you to run applications in an isolated and portable environment, providing a high level of flexibility and scalability. AWS offers a variety of services and tools to support the adoption of these architectures and using them allows companies to simplify the process of deploying and managing applications, reduce release times, increase availability, improve the scalability of the system and increase security.
Artificial intelligence systems and data processing
Artificial intelligence and data processing systems are increasingly important for companies nowadays. These systems use advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques to analyse large amounts of data and identify significant patterns and trends, enabling companies to make more data-driven, informed decisions, improve efficiency and productivity, reduce costs and optimize business processes.
Infrastructures dedicated to the Internet of Things
Infrastructures dedicated to the Internet of Things (IoT) allow companies to use the potential of connecting intelligent devices by collecting, processing, and analysing large amounts of data from IoT devices. This allows companies to have a better understanding of their customers’ businesses, as well as how their products and services work, identifying problems and opportunities, improving business processes and customer experience, and developing new IoT-based products and services.