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Trasversality, low code personalization and automation: some highlights from our first live event

Last week we organized our first live talk on LinkedIn to show a live demo of OnBoarding Funnel while presenting some news we have been working on during the last year. We are happy and grateful for the response and participation in this first event since we had the opportunity to show how our tool can boost any company’s work due to its low-code personalization approach, versatility, and incredible power it offers. Talking about sales tools and possible future developments in such a particular moment for the entire market is not only useful, but we also believe it is strategic because we think today is the right time to seize new opportunities.

During the live event, some crucial points emerged that we think can better communicate our mission in the utility market and how OnBoarding Funnel could be the right choice for many companies.

One of the strengths of OnBoarding Funnel is its transversality

First, Fabio Asselle, Co-founder & CEO @Dazerolab, highlighted the importance of OnBoarding Funnel as a transversal application within the CRM market. Our tool is a solution that can be used partly alternatively, partly alongside enterprise CRMs such as Salesforce or Dynamics. 

What does it mean? Wouldn’t it be better then, to rely only on an enterprise solution without adding other tools in the company? 

The answer lies in the inner characteristics of enterprise CRMs and in those of the company that uses them. If on the one hand enterprise solutions are versatile and powerful tools designed to offer a wide range of useful processes to companies, on the other hand, they offer general features to cover any market niche. Since the competitive advantage in the Utility market lies in the process differentiation, this factor can affect the competitiveness of companies that use enterprise CRMs. To overcome this problem, it is possible to turn to system integrators for the personalisation of sales processes; however, it is an expensive choice in terms of time, human and economic resources.

OnBoarding Funnel acts as a light alternative to the customization costs of enterprise CRMs: it is placed between the market and the company and, as a transversal tool, it also works along with the CRMs already present in the company application map; from this position, it facilitates the customization of processes, their control and modification. All with great attention to both the customer journey and compliance.

OnBoarding Funnel is ready to boost business digitization

OnBoarding Funnel is a tool specifically created to digitize sales operations and manage all acquisition channels from a single point. These include traditional ones such as branches, agents and agencies and key accounts, but also innovative digital channels. Among the modules that we provide, there are powerful options like the Web Self one, which allows the customer to choose the service that suits him best and buy it independently, without having to go through an operator; and the Web Assisted module, which, on the other hand, helps transform any inbound or outbound call centers into sales tools by making it possible for operator and user to collaborate in real-time in filling out contracts or during assistance. OnBoarding Funnel offers a range of tools designed to seize the opportunities of digitization and transform them into exceptional sales experiences for companies and customers.

The OnBoarding Funnel workflow engine simplifies process creation and modification

If you are not an IT expert and think about the internal processes of any CRM there is a very good chance that you will get a headache. Programming is not simple for marketing and business teams and the levels of complexity can be such as to prevent even the right communication between the company and the IT department, causing errors and inaccuracies. We wanted to end the complexity issue because we think clear and direct communication between the various departments is crucial for a company’s success. Therefore, during the past year, we have worked hard to implement a new device workflow, that makes it easy to design sales processes while increasing the usability of the product. When we say “design” we are not talking about a symbolic process, but a real and physical one: as explained by the CTO of Dazerolab Agostino Semeria during our live event, OnBoarding Funnel bases its operations on the visual creation of the workflow processes, which then are interpreted by the platform and activated. The excellent thing is that the simplicity of use and update of the versions are accompanied by extremely complex and advanced functions that can be added to each node of the process, for example, mandatory actions, compliance with different versions, time and date-based triggers and implementation of recognition algorithms, such as those for personal IDs scan.

OnBoarding Funnel improves performance thanks to automation and optimization

If companies in recent years have had to deal with the digitization of sales and customer contact systems, today we are at the next step: the future is undoubtedly into system automation to make companies more productive by freeing up internal resources. Employing software and artificial intelligence to perform repetitive tasks without precious human personnel is the next trend and OnBoarding Funnel can help companies make it a daily reality. Our tool is ready for process automation thanks to its complex algorithms that greatly reduce contract management times, facilitating sales and the customer journey path. Plus, automation often coincides with optimization, and OnBoarding Funnel’s process control also offers the opportunity to discover the most delicate points within the customer journey, improving the marketing strategy and therefore the whole performance. Thanks to the capillary control on the instrument, each process node can be monitored in real-time, and it is possible to receive useful heat maps that visually show customer behaviours.

These are just some of the main points we highlighted during our talk. We believe among the greatest benefits of our event there was the live demo of the creation of a workflow shown by our CTO Agostino Semeria because it was an opportunity to show how simplicity and power meet in OnBoarding Funnel. If you missed it, you could watch the replay on LinkedIn (it is in Italian). If you have any questions, curiosities or would like to request a live demo, contact us now.

Click here to watch our first live session!

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