Joining the cloud agile revolution with OnBoarding Funnel 

Among the concepts that have come to light in the most recent years, especially following the disruptive events we have all witnessed, there is undoubtedly one that can make the difference between a successful company and one that has problems staying afloat: agility. The very rules underlying the concept seem to have been created for today’s world, in which everything seems to be in constant evolution – society, customer desires and needs, technologies and methods – and certainties are very few; for this, we can say with some confidence that in order to continue to survive without too many shocks and uncertainties, companies must embrace agile methods. To do so in the best possible way, both in terms of organization and budget, they can use tools such as our OnBoarding Funnel, which through its cloud and SaaS models helps companies experiment, customize, and save money with a light approach to their operative processes.

The agile business model: where does it come from?

The concept of agility in business has its roots in the period between the late nineties and the 2000s when a group of software developers began to think about ways to accelerate software development to allow new ones to be created more quickly. Since behind the slowdowns were the unpredictability and the constant change of conditions under which the software would have to operate, to speed up the processes the developers decided to start using an agile approach, that is, one that could be easily adapted to change.

This method was initially used above all in IT companies but subsequently took root as a business model applicable in any type and category of company. In particular, for the Agile Business Consortium, are agile those businesses that can:

  • Swiftly adapt to market changes both internally and externally
  • Address customers’ changing needs and expectations efficiently and flexibly
  • Initiate productive changes in ways that are cost-effective while maintaining the quality of the business’s products and services

Agility and cloud services: how companies can take advantage of them

If these concepts and methods have been successful over time and have begun to be applied to improve the performance of companies in any market, undoubtedly the one that has remained central to it is the IT field. Here, right where the agile revolution had originated, also happened the subsequent evolution of the methodology, namely the cloud. All those technologies that have shifted their centre of gravity towards online networks and the SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) model can in fact be considered as the next step in the agile revolution because they facilitate the change of processes and tools, when necessary, without conflicts or interruptions in corporate workflows.

The cloud makes it possible to take advantage of some opportunities that are crucial today:

  • Unlimited tests and experimentation: when you buy a product that is fundamental for business processes, such as software, you do it in a certain sense without really knowing if it will be perfect for your company because you cannot know until you tested it on the field. With cloud software such as OnBoarding Funnel, on the other hand, and the pay-per-use pricing model, it is possible to constantly experiment, finding the ideal solution time after time.
  • Scalability on demand: cloud and pay-per-use tools are also ideal for always keeping safe from sudden changes in the market and customer needs. The events of 2020 have shown us how economic and social conditions may not always remain constant, and consequently being ready to react quickly and with the least possible damage to one’s assets is crucial. Thanks to cloud tools this is not only possible but also easy: since they don’t need companies to face huge costs for the purchase of software, it is possible to experiment, change and scale processes and tools as desired and in progress.
  • Attention to cost-agility: agility is also to be intended concerning costs, and in this case, cloud solutions are once again the best way since the tools in the cloud are pay-per-use and pay-as-you-go. The possibility of not burdening the costs of software on your company’s shoulders allows you to have fewer risks and to be freer to change and experiment.
  • Tools are constantly up to date: a hidden cost that companies often forget is that of updating tools and work platforms. This is a task that is often far from simple and risk-free, and because of this, it needs the mobilisation of the IT team. And the risk that something does not work, and they must intervene to fix it or there are interruptions to services is always high. With a cloud tool this is no longer a concern for the company: a platform like OnBoarding Funnel, for example, is updated at the origin by our developers, who take care of every step of the process and correct any errors, maintaining continuity of service for the company, without worries.

Why the cloud agility matters to businesses, especially today

In a constantly changing world like today’s, making sure you have cloud tools in your company that enhance agility such as OnBoarding Funnel is fundamental because it can make the difference in the creation of processes: OBF allows you to switch on, switch off, measure, experiment and understand which solution works best for you without commitment and huge costs, helping you find the ideal and tailor-made recipe for your company. Start now making your operational processes fluid and personalized and optimizing business costs with our digital selling platform: request your free OnBoarding Funnel demo now.

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