The link between customer satisfaction and happy internal teams? Customer experience. Here’s why.

As we said in a previous article, Customer Experience is the competitive advantage on which utility companies should focus in the near future: they must pay all their attention to the user’s point of view if they want to differentiate themselves from their competitors, even before designing and launching new products. After all, a new product without a good user experience struggles to express its full potential. However, as often happens when we talk about Customer Experience, this ends up not only improving clients’ life and their relationship with products and services, but also that of the company team. Here is how a good CX can also improve business satisfaction and success, especially in the sales and customer care teams.

Customer experience in the utility sector: an all-round improvement of the company as well

Too often we think of businesses as two-sided systems, like medals: if we turn to one side, the other will be hidden. However, the truth is just the opposite: every company is a circular system, in which not only the two faces – the one facing the outside, dedicated to customers; and the internal one, linked to the company team – are closely connected, but every little facet is. For this reason, customer satisfaction is undoubtedly fundamental, but without neglecting that of the internal teams. Fortunately, leveraging the customer experience in an interconnected system also improves the business side. Here are five ways Customer Experience can improve business-wide success.

1. It reduces future costs and makes teamwork easier

In the vast majority of cases, investing in Customer Experience today means saving money tomorrow. This is because realizing the possible wishes of the customer immediately, in the design phase, costs much less than modifying the services or products at a later time: if it is true that optimization is a long and tortuous path, it is also true that stopping and thinking before putting customer paths on the ground can save time, labour and costly changes in the future. Furthermore, in this way the work of internal teams is also facilitated: with a tool like OnBoarding Funnel, for example, it is possible to monitor and optimize immediately the flows of users and the big data that come with them. Having all the information at hand with precision and in detail means making life easier for employees, whether they are call centre operators, customer care or team sales.

2. It helps with branding and word of mouth

A skyrocketing CX corresponds to customers who feel valued and know they can count on company systems to complete operations in the shortest possible time. This means a happy and satisfied customer base, which feels part of the company and its image and will not have the slightest doubt when recommending your product or service to other potential customers.

3. It brings more conversions

Systems with easy accessibility and ease of use for the end customer convert better, quite simply because they make it possible to complete a greater number of operations in a short time and without impractical complexities. A good solution that also considers CX makes it easy for the customer to make decisions and carry out operations, change and request additional services and finally activate a new offer or contract.

4. It decreases the risk of churn and loss of existing customers

In a complex environment such as the utility market, when the relationship with a company works well the customer won’t ever want to turn to others. This significantly reduces the risk of churn and loss of acquired customers. Keeping the accessibility and inclusiveness of business systems high is the key to acquiring customers and keeping them over the long term.

5. It makes salespeople and company representatives happier

Finally, an often-underestimated area when it comes to customer experience is the amount of influence a high level of optimization and customer satisfaction can have on internal teams. Companies that have implemented systems to improve CX have happier employees and workers. To understand why, we can just think at the sales team: a good salesperson aims to close any kind of contracts, but the ideal case is when they can maximise profits by successfully closing more sales operations in the shortest possible time. A system that helps and facilitates sales operations, speeding them up – as OnBoarding Funnel does, for example by organizing data and allowing the customization of users’ paths – enhances the whole system and makes the sales team very happy. The same thing goes for customer care and call centre operators, who can see more success in closing contracts thanks to simpler systems and a back office with data that is always updated and available at hand.

OnBoarding Funnel and its use for skyrocketing CX and teams’ satisfaction

If in the past improving customer experience was hard work, today fortunately some tools can ground ideal solutions simply and quickly, giving a decisive boost to the customer and internal team satisfaction. OnBoarding Funnel is one of these: created by technology professionals who know the dynamics of the utility world and the exclusive needs of this market, OnBoarding Funnel improves Customer Experience right away by organizing and optimizing big data, facilitating personalization – even complex one – of the customer journey and improving the moments of contact between company and customer. Within its suite, it contains modules designed to enhance the work of all corporate teams in contact with customers, such as salespeople, customer care representatives, call centres and agencies thanks to a unified dashboard and the rationalization of information for each new or historical contact. OnBoarding Funnel is a tool that enhances customer happiness and internal teams’ satisfaction, helping utility companies look at a brighter, easier future.

Would you like to try OnBoarding Funnel to see if it’s right for your company? Contact us for your free demo and start improving your customer experience right away.

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